Yield Farm

Providing Liquidity and LP Token

Users who deposit their assets in any type of pools they favor are called Liquidity Providers (LP). Providing liquidity to the pool will result in the receipt of a Liquidity Pool (LP) Token as evidence, and the number of received LP Token corresponds to their share(%) in the entire pool.

If you withdraw all your assets from the pool, the LP Token will be automatically returned, and the user can receive the following rewards from the pool through the proof of LP Token during the asset deposit period.

MESH distribution rewards

If the user supplies liquidity to a MESH reward farming pool, users can receive MESH mining rewards according to their LP stake (%) in the pool (The daily distribution quantity per Mesh rewards pool is determined by pool vote).

Transaction fee rewards

If the user supplies liquidity to the transaction fee reward pool, users can receive the transaction fee according to their LP stake (%) in the pool. The transaction fee is accrued to the Pool, and the total amount of the withdrawal includes the transaction fee reward and is processed according to the exchange rate at the time of withdrawal (50% of the transaction fee incurred).

Token Airdrop rewards

If the user supplies liquidity to an airdrop reward farming pool, the Airdrop token will be distributed according to their LP share (%) in the pool.

Last updated